Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Plot: The book revolves around the real-estate tycoon Lana Rubicon, a strong, clever and hard-willed woman. But as fate has it she discovers she is affected with brain tumors, which is spreading fast and gradually drawing her life. In order to save her life she has to live with her long separated daughter, Beth and granddaughter Jack. She finds herself trapped, locked behind bars of boredom in the coastal town of California until they come across a murder that could very well bring the family together.

➴Characters: The book features determined characters with their own personal flaws. All their life, intentions,aspirations and motives are clearly described.

I find Lana a person to admire for perseverance and Beth, for her ability to not break under pressure and to cope with everything, They really are impressive women.

➴Writing: The writing is impeccable. The author really knows how to keep on the edge, make us put clues together to find the killer ourselves. Plus she doesn't reveal it easily and knows how to keep the killer hidden well out of our suspicion. One more thing I would like to mention is the book deals with a lot of words related to land lease, binding etc… for which the author gives a pretty good definition that is easier to understand.

➴Family Drama: Main focus on complicated relationship with parents.

➴Women: I love how it portrays women’s current situation in the patriarchal society , How women have to balance their professional ambition with motherhood. Maybe the reason why the ending made sense.

Overall a cozy, fun and exciting read

Family drama and murder 


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