DIY Washi Tapes || Craft

hEyyy Crafters!!! How was your week? Mine was burdened with school work. This week I am showing you a way to create DIY washi tape. Washi tapes are cute and aesthetic but hard to find and they run out super easily so, here’s what I do if I am out of one.

Materials required:

You just need simple materials Masking tape, Brush pens to color the background and markers for fine details ( you can also use glitter pens, paint markers, literally anything that you can draw on a masking tape with).


  1. Take a strip of masking tape and paste on a plastic board
  2. Take a desired coloured brush pen and cover the background

  3. Use markers to add details (You can be creative with the design but  use a repetitive pattern)

This is a very easy and efficient way to create personalized washi tape. Hope you find this useful and Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


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